31.08.2012 - Friday
31.08.2012 - Krankenhaus Kilimatinde
Today we are travelling to Mikumi more or less the whole day in order to be abe to visit the national park there tomorrow. Before that, however, we pay a visit to the hospital at Kilimatinde where Elisabeth is working..
Before we depart, however, we take another brief look at yesterday's work (at 7 a.m.) wetting it.
Upon arriving at the hospital we try to make our mascot smile.
Some impressions of the guided tour through the hospital:
After the tour some of us have a blood-typing done. The result is written dowm in the hospital's "guestbook" (Blook donor data bank).
'The remaining travel is as usual... long and uncomfortable. Once again we are stopped by the police "bribing them" with a song. We doze, sing and sometimes we do both at the same time... all in all we's settled into some kind of a routine.
At last we arrive at Mikumi at 20 past 9 in the evening and we are lucky to still get some food (you may have guessed it...the same kind of food like everywhere else...). Due to some discrepancies between the hotel owners and ourselves we don't get into bed until 1 in the morning and tomorrow - respectively today - we have to get up up at 5 o'clock - that's going to be a lot of fun!